10 Books of Summer

It’s unbelievable but it’s about to be June, and that means it’s time for Cathy at 746Books annual summer challenge to read 20 or 15 or 10 books between the 1st of June and the 1st of September.

As usual I’m going for a comfortable 10 and plan to take full advantage of the relaxed (no)rules, which means I can swap any title at any point; and I’m already feeling the lack of Colm Tóibín so I might have to put that right as soon as I can choose a title! So, here’s my list for now:

  1. Barbara Comyns: Mr Fox
  2. L.P. Hartley: The Go-Between
  3. Tove Jansson: Moominsummer Madness
  4. Siân James: One Afternoon
  5. John Bude: A Telegram From Le Touquet
  6. Robert Gibbings: Sweet Thames Run Softly
  7. Agatha Christie: Lord Edgeware Dies
  8. Zadie Smith: N-W
  9. Katharine Smyth: All The Lives We Ever Lived
  10. Virginia Woolf: To The Lighthouse

I’ve had my copy of All The Lives We Ever Lived for ages sitting at the end of my bed but it was a recent review of To The Lighthouse by Rose Reads Novels that has been the nudge to pick it up. It’s part memoir, part literary criticism to Woolf’s novel which is why I’ve included that too; although it will be a re read, I’m hoping to read it in a new light and possibly with more understanding! And I’m going to read Moominsummer Madness for MoominWeek, being held from August 26th to September 1st by Calmgrove and Mallika.

It’s pouring with rain, but looking at these titles they at least sound summery!

28 thoughts on “10 Books of Summer

  1. Oh this sounds marvellous, Jane! I adored The Go-Between and it’s perfect for the summer. All moomins are worth reading in my opinion as are all Christies. (Not that I’ve read all of either!) I’ll be interested in your thoughts on all your choices but To The Lighthouse as a reread in particular. It took me a long while to finally finish that one but I’m glad to have read it. No surprise that I’m especially keen to hear more of the Smyth, which is totally new to me. You have a wonderful summer of reading ahead!

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    1. Thanks Sandra, I remember you loving The Go-Between! I struggled with The Lighthouse first time round although I enjoyed the reading experience so it will be interesting having Smyth’s insight.

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    1. Oh I’m glad you loved it, the two of hers I’ve read I’ve really enjoyed and I don’t want to be disappointed! Looking forward to seeing your list, 10 is perfect I think!


  2. What a lovely list! Most of these authors are new to me, so I’m hoping you love them enough to recommend them – win-win 🙂
    Like Sandra, I also adored The Go-Between, but am also keen to read your review of To the Lighthouse when it comes, to see what I missed especially as Virginia Woolf and I do not get along!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I do remember you all loving The Go-Between and recently watched the 70’s film with Alan Bates and Julie Christie so it’s a definite highlight. I’m hoping for great insight from Smyth but may be I’m asking too much? We’ll see!

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    1. I definitely won’t swap The Go-Between, you Rose and Sandra would boycott me! May be I can read a CT as well, 11 Books of Summer, good grief is there no end to my ambition!

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  3. Good to have you on board for Moomin Week! 😊 It may be a faulty memory but the only one of the others I think I’ve read is the Hartley; the Woolf is already on my virtual wishlist. Hope you enjoy all these!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. The Go-Between is on my summer TBR also. I read To The Lighthouse in college and I remember really liking it. In terms of specifics though, my memory is fuzzy. Maybe I should give it a reread before I tackle All The Lives We Ever Lived?

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I really enjoyed Lord Edgeware Dies and To the Lighthouse. And the Moomins of course. Good luck with the 10 books! Curious how you get on with Zadie Smith. I want to try one of her books, but
    afraid I won’t get on with her writing.


  6. Ah, your list looks more reasonable than mine! 🙂 I may have to make room for Moominsummer Madness regardless of any other reading, though. It just seems right for the time of year. Enjoy!


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